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XSL-T-900-B mesh tape chain

XSL-T-900-B mesh tape chain

  • Category:Net tape
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  • Release time:2023-02-16 13:56:26
  • Product description

According to the different structure, the net belt chain can be divided into two kinds of chain belt and parallel belt.

(1) chain mesh belt

Chain mesh belt is mainly composed of chain and lap plate, and the lap plate is connected into a whole mesh belt through the chain, which has a certain strength and stability. It is often used for conveying heavy materials, such as steel and bricks.

(2) parallel network belt

Parallel webbing is made up of parallel webbing, usually made of plastic or metal, that runs on a pulley. Compared with the traditional chain mesh belt, the parallel mesh belt has the characteristics of small volume, low noise and simple maintenance. It is often used for conveying light materials, such as electronic components, drugs and so on.

Previous:XSL-T-900-A mesh tape chain2023-02-16